Byzantine Paganism  

  Aspects of Late Classical Religion

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The following are some of the aspects which made Byzantine Paganism separate and unique from the Classical religions, even as it continued the worship of the Classical Goddesses and Gods:

1. Byzantine Paganism lasted for over 1,100 years,  from the conversion of Constantine in 312 AD until after the fall of Constantinople in 1453 AD.

2. Byzantine Paganism preserved preserved Greek, Roman and local Provincial pagan traditions, a continuation of the syncretistic practices of previous eras.

3. Byzantine Paganism became a smaller, more personal religion (much like the paganism of today) as the ancient Temples were officially closed and ancient religion was removed from public life.

4. The state priesthoods would have been driven underground in an effort to continue the worship of the ancient Goddesses and Gods after the closing of temples. 

5. Its functionaries took on many roles (much like the paganism of today) as there were less dedicated priesthood to perform regular rites.

6. Without temples, its places of worship became temporary (like today) instead of permanent structures.

7. It began to incorporate more Philosophy as philosophy was accepted in the Byzantine world.

8. It began to incorporate more astrology as this was also accepted in the Byzantine world.

9. Instead of statuary, its religious images began to be smaller and more private representations; icons and dyptechs.

10. It began to incorporate more magical aspects as its participants sought to gain protection. This included the use of amulets and talismans.

11. It became more private and family oriented as wider community became more dangerous.

12. Byzantine Paganism became more adaptive as it had to compete with and exist alongside a mixture of monotheistic faiths; the same situation face by pagans today.


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